Hi Exactly what latency (chuck only) can be expected from --bufsize128? -- peace, love & harmony Atte http://www.atte.dk | quartet: http://www.anagrammer.dk http://www.atte.dk/gps | compositions: http://www.atte.dk/compositions

Hi Atte!
Exactly what latency (chuck only) can be expected from --bufsize128?
To my understanding and observation, it varies depending on 1. the operating system audio subsystem (CoreAudio tends to have lower system latency than say, DirectSound) 2. your sound card (potentially huge difference) 3. which latency you are concerned with - full-duplex audio? or midi/osc/external events? something else? Across the various systems, buffer size of 128 (srate 44100) can translate to somewhere between 10-50ms of audio latency, I reckon. Best, Ge!

Ge Wang wrote:
Across the various systems, buffer size of 128 (srate 44100) can translate to somewhere between 10-50ms of audio latency, I reckon.
Ok. But can't anything be said about a chuck-only latency? If it makes it easier to answer, I'm running chuck under debian/linux with realtime patched kernel (alsa only, no oss, no jack) and either a crappy (=noise) onboard i810 or edirol ua-1a usb soundcard. My computer is a P4 2.4G laptop with 512Mb RAM. -- peace, love & harmony Atte http://www.atte.dk | quartet: http://www.anagrammer.dk http://www.atte.dk/gps | compositions: http://www.atte.dk/compositions

Hi Atte!
Across the various systems, buffer size of 128 (srate 44100) can translate to somewhere between 10-50ms of audio latency, I reckon.
Ok. But can't anything be said about a chuck-only latency?
I actually meant the earlier estimate to pertain solely to chuck (though it probably applies to other audio applications too). Running chuck across quite a few machines lately (plork powerbooks, windows machines, and sometimes linux), latency has seemed consistently inconsistent depending on the system.
If it makes it easier to answer, I'm running chuck under debian/linux with realtime patched kernel (alsa only, no oss, no jack) and either a crappy (=noise) onboard i810 or edirol ua-1a usb soundcard. My computer is a P4 2.4G laptop with 512Mb RAM.
It's hard to say (at least for me) - much depends on your sound card's latency. ALSA, as far as I know, affords low latency. Which latency are you concerned with? external MIDI/OSC events or audio I/O latency? or something else? Sorry I can't provide a more precise answer. Perhaps others here can? Best, Ge!

Ge Wang wrote:
Which latency are you concerned with? external MIDI/OSC events or audio I/O latency?
I guess both. I'm interrested in the time between me tapping on a midi keyboard and a sound is heard. This is internally in chuck resulting in events being send/received and shreds beeing sporked, but it seems this is handled in < one samples time. -- peace, love & harmony Atte http://www.atte.dk | quartet: http://www.anagrammer.dk http://www.atte.dk/gps | compositions: http://www.atte.dk/compositions
participants (2)
Atte André Jensen
Ge Wang