On Aug 31, 2005, at 8:31 AM, Philip Davidson wrote:
This is a slightly different issue - you appear to be launching two separate chuck VM's - for instance chuck program1.ck in a terminal window, and then 'chuck program2.ck ' in another terminal.
the chuck VM binds to port 8888 by default in order to listen for incoming VM messages on the same machine, or over the network. If two VM's are launched, the second won't be able to make the connection, and thus prints the error message.
by using the %chuck --loop option, chuck will background itself and wait for incoming message, and you can then use %chuck +program.ck to add a new program to the VM
Thanks for the explanation. Makes sense. However, removing the program doesn't seem to work for me. When using %chuck - program.ck I get the message [chuck](VM): cannot remove: no shred with id 0... -mb

Greetings, We have found a bug in where chuck crashes when doing a 'replace' operation on-the-fly, for example: > chuck = 1 foo.ck This has been fixed and will be released for Please let us know if you need this patch earlier. Thanks! Best, Ge!
participants (2)
Ge Wang
Manfred Brockhaus