Hi, again, Can we return to filters again for a moment? I ordered -and read most of- Perry's book (actually I debated some of the trickier bits with a math-whiz friend while sitting on a beach...), I went through the relevant bits in the manual but it's still not clear to me how to go about creating a simple traditional LP filter in chuck. Bandpass and resonators and so on are fairly clear now and a simple averaging lp filter to take the sharp edges of the high end is within my reach as well but the 2 or 4 pole LP filter of traditional/commercial synth designs still elude me. I apreciate the versatility of what we have but I'd still like either some pointers on how to go about creating a sweepable LP filter or perhaps a ready-made Ugen for this. Please? Yours, (if beging ;¬) ), Kas.

Kassen wrote:
I apreciate the versatility of what we have but I'd still like either some pointers on how to go about creating a sweepable LP filter or perhaps a ready-made Ugen for this. Please?
I strongly agree with you (also bought the book). And we (me + Kassen, I guess) really need example chuck code of OneZero + friends. -- peace, love & harmony Atte

this works for me, its adapted from Robert Bristow-Johnson's EQ cookbook formulas. --------------------------------- Groups are talking. We´re listening. Check out the handy changes to Yahoo! Groups.

On 8/6/06, Robert Edge
this works for me, its adapted from Robert Bristow-Johnson's EQ cookbook formulas.
Wow, that's a nice bit of code, can't wait to start tinkering! The cool bit about having all the coeficients "in the open" is that we could morph one filter into another (EMU style). That could get quite nice.... Thanks a lot for your help; this is very cool I still think a "readymade" LP would be a good adition to our collection of toys because nice and educational as this is; I don't think constructions like this will encourage the use of LP filters in livecoding contexts. Yours, Kas.
participants (3)
Atte André Jensen
Robert Edge