ChucK syntax highliting for LaTeX code listings

Hello, I am wondering if anyone ever wrote some ChucK style for highlighting source code in listings inside LaTeX documents. Is there anything like that, or should I try and do it from scratch? I would like to show some beautiful ChucK code in my thesis. Thanks in advance! -- Jean Menezes da Rocha Compositor Professor Doutorando em Música pela Universidade Federal da Bahia

Hmm...that's an interesting Notion... I have been wondering on a broader scale....I wonder how much visual Web based interfaces and even other languages might be made to work in conjunction with Java script, python or even C#... I have been hearing about this effort to port ChucK..via MiniAudicle to IOS and the Ipad. I imagine that means attempting to add some touch and visual components to the ChucK environment. On Mon, Sep 26, 2016 at 8:20 PM Jean Menezes da Rocha <> wrote:
I am wondering if anyone ever wrote some ChucK style for highlighting source code in listings inside LaTeX documents. Is there anything like that, or should I try and do it from scratch? I would like to show some beautiful ChucK code in my thesis.
Thanks in advance! -- Jean Menezes da Rocha Compositor Professor Doutorando em Música pela Universidade Federal da Bahia _______________________________________________ chuck-users mailing list

Hi Jeff,
On Mon, Sep 26, 2016 at 10:09 PM, Jeff Greenlee
Hmm...that's an interesting Notion...
I have been wondering on a broader scale....I wonder how much visual Web based interfaces and even other languages might be made to work in conjunction with Java script, python or even C#... I have been hearing about this effort to port ChucK..via MiniAudicle to IOS and the Ipad. I imagine that means attempting to add some touch and visual components to the ChucK environment.
Stay tuned :) lots of fun stuff here on the horizon. spencer
On Mon, Sep 26, 2016 at 8:20 PM Jean Menezes da Rocha <> wrote:
I am wondering if anyone ever wrote some ChucK style for highlighting source code in listings inside LaTeX documents. Is there anything like that, or should I try and do it from scratch? I would like to show some beautiful ChucK code in my thesis.
Thanks in advance! -- Jean Menezes da Rocha Compositor Professor Doutorando em Música pela Universidade Federal da Bahia _______________________________________________ chuck-users mailing list
_______________________________________________ chuck-users mailing list
-- Spencer Salazar Doctoral Candidate Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics Stanford University +1 831.277.4654

Hi Jean, I don't know of anything like that but it would come in handy for my own thesis as well! Let us know if you get anywhere with it. It might be useful to centralize links to the various ChucK support resources that have been developed over the years (vimrc's, syntax highlighting definitions, Sublime bundles, etc.) spencer On Mon, Sep 26, 2016 at 8:19 PM, Jean Menezes da Rocha <> wrote:
I am wondering if anyone ever wrote some ChucK style for highlighting source code in listings inside LaTeX documents. Is there anything like that, or should I try and do it from scratch? I would like to show some beautiful ChucK code in my thesis.
Thanks in advance! -- Jean Menezes da Rocha Compositor Professor Doutorando em Música pela Universidade Federal da Bahia
_______________________________________________ chuck-users mailing list
-- Spencer Salazar Doctoral Candidate Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics Stanford University +1 831.277.4654

Hi Spencer, For the moment I came up with a very workaround-ish solution which I bet isn't by far the most elegant/correct approach. It worked for me, that is a code which should be included in the LaTeX preamble. I have something like this: \usepackage{listings} \lstset{ keepspaces=true, columns=flexible, basicstyle=\footnotesize\ttfamily %nevermind, this is optional } % Estilo para ChucK \lstdefinelanguage{ChucK} { sensitive=true, morecomment=[l]{//}, morecomment=[s]{/*}{*/}, morestring=[b]", morestring=[d]', morekeywords={int,float,time,dur,void,same,string, if,else,while,until,for,repeat,break,continue,return,switch, class,extends,public,static,pure,this,super,interface,implements, protected,private,function,fun,spork,const,new,now,true,false, maybe,null,NULL,me,pi,samp,ms,second,minute,hour,day,week, dac,adc,blackhole,then,before,after,at}, morekeywords={complex,polar,Object,array,Event,UGen,Machine,Math,Std, Shred,MidiIn,MidiMsg,OscRecv,OscEvent,OscSend}, morekeywords={SinOsc,PulseOsc,SqrOsc,TriOsc,SawOsc,Phasor,Noise,Impulse, Step,Gain,SndBuf,HalfRect,FullRect,ZeroX,Mix2,Pan2,GenX,CurveTable, WarpTable,LiSa,OneZero,TwoZero,OnePole,TwoPole,PoleZero,BiQuad,Filter, LPF,HPF,BPF,BRF,ResonZ,Dyno,Envelope,ADSR,Delay,DelayA,DelayL,Echo, JCRev,NRev,PRCRev,Chorus,Modulate,PitShift,SubNoise,Blit,BlitSaw, BlitSquare,WvIn,WaveLoop,WvOut,StkInstrument,BandedWG,BlowBotl,BlowHole, Bowed,Brass,Clarinet,Flute,Mandolin,ModalBar,Moog,Saxofony,Shakers, Sitar,StifKarp,VoicForm,FM,BeeThree,FMVoices,HevyMetl,PercFlut,Rhodey, TubeBell,Wurley}, morekeywords={UAna,UAnaBlob,Windowing,FFT,IFFT,DCT,IDCT,Centroid,Flux, RMS,RollOff}, otherkeywords={=>,=^,\%,+,-,*,/,+=>,-=>,*=>,/=>,@,@=>, !=,>,>=,<,<=,<<,>>,\&,\&\&,|,||,=,==,^,++,--,~,\%=>,::, <<<,>>>} } Then, you should call your listing environment using the lang=ChucK parameter. You are warned that this probably contains errors and barely fits most basic ChucK code. Nonetheless, it can serve as boilerplate for more proficient TeX users to create something more correct and compatible. Best regards! P.S.: I did not try using the minted package, as it wasn't compatible with the template required by my uni. Em ter, 4 de out de 2016 às 21:09, Spencer Salazar <> escreveu:
Hi Jean,
I don't know of anything like that but it would come in handy for my own thesis as well! Let us know if you get anywhere with it.
It might be useful to centralize links to the various ChucK support resources that have been developed over the years (vimrc's, syntax highlighting definitions, Sublime bundles, etc.)
On Mon, Sep 26, 2016 at 8:19 PM, Jean Menezes da Rocha <> wrote:
I am wondering if anyone ever wrote some ChucK style for highlighting source code in listings inside LaTeX documents. Is there anything like that, or should I try and do it from scratch? I would like to show some beautiful ChucK code in my thesis.
Thanks in advance! -- Jean Menezes da Rocha Compositor Professor Doutorando em Música pela Universidade Federal da Bahia
_______________________________________________ chuck-users mailing list
-- Spencer Salazar Doctoral Candidate Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics Stanford University +1 831.277.4654 <+1%20831-277-4654>
_______________________________________________ chuck-users mailing list
-- Jean Menezes da Rocha Compositor Professor Doutorando em Música pela Universidade Federal da Bahia

Yes, the manual is not very well maintained right now- I think most of its
content is still relevant to the language now, but small bits like how to
install are a little different. Other, more up-to-date resources for
learning include the language reference [1], which is not just a dry
reference as the name would suggest, but a mix of a walkthrough and
reference, and our free online video-based course [2], which is based on
what we teach at California Institute of the Arts. The examples are a great
resource (included when you install ChucK; go to File->Open Example in
miniAudicle). Graham Coleman's "Notes on ChucK for Music" is also a good
tutorial [3] and Perry's ChucKU has a lot of learning resources centralized
in one place [4]. If you want to go a little deeper, the ChucK book [5]
costs money but has a few free sample chapters.
The individual who generously created and maintained the ChucK manual
stepped down some time ago. Producing and maintaining high-quality
documentation is a big job, and with all of the other resources available,
the ChucK manual has not been the top priority. That being said we would
welcome pull requests to ensure the manual is up-to-date, relevant, and
useful (and actually there have been a few such PRs recently).
In the last year we've been developing a number of major updates to the
language and ecosystem. I have been working on miniAudicle for iPad, a
tablet-oriented coding environment for ChucK, which is going into beta
testing very soon, and a number of individuals have recently contributed to
our growing collection of chugins [7]--its worth checking out the new ones
for ChucK coders who are looking for new stuff to play with. Small but
impactful bits like more informative exceptions have been developed (and
are coming to a release soon).
On Thu, Oct 13, 2016 at 12:05 PM,
Is there a specific reason, why the manual is only available for Version 1.2 ( and even this one is hidden and not directly accessible, neither from nor .
The first impression that I get from this is, that developers have lost their interest in ChucK. Do you think this impression is true?
_______________________________________________ chuck-users mailing list
-- Spencer Salazar Doctoral Candidate Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics Stanford University +1 831.277.4654
participants (4)
Jean Menezes da Rocha
Jeff Greenlee
Spencer Salazar