Dear all, chuck- (dracula) is available: http://chuck.cs.princeton.edu/ http://chuck.stanford.edu/ This release, long overdue, introduces experimental/initial support for file I/O (thanks to many folks who have contributed, including Andrew Schran and Martin Robinson, both of whom have provided much implementation and design). Along with the file I/O functionality comes several new languages features and special objects, including using => and <= (the "back-chuck" operator, as Spencer calls it), as well as chout (stdout, pronounced "shout") and cherr (stderr, pronounced "Cher"). Additionally, a few of function overloading and other issues from the chuck-users list have been resolved (hopefully). As always, please let us know of any bugs/features you encounter! (Please see the release notes at the end of this email.) Many many thanks once again to Kassen, Inventor, and everyone on chuck-users, as well as the electro-music chuck forum, PLOrk, SLOrk, folks at Smule, Fernando Lopez-Lezcano, Carr Wilkerson, Chris Chafe, Andrew Schran, Martin Robinson, and the rest of the chuck community for making this release happen! Thanks and Happy ChucKing, UpChucKing! Best, Ge + Spencer, on behalf of entire chuck team VERSIONS --- - (added) initial/experimental support for file I/O (finally) (thanks to Andrew Schran, Martin Robinson) - (added) new class: IO, FileIO see examples/io/: read-int.ck read-str.ck readline.ck - using readline write.ck - write using <= write2.ck - write using .write() - (added) IO input via => - (added) IO output via <= (the "back-chuck") example: fio <= x <= " " <= y <= "\n"; - (added) new syntax for checking if/while/for/until with IO objects e.g., while( fio => i ) { ... } - (added) StdOut/StdErr objects: "chout" (pronounced "shout") "cherr" (pronounced "Cher") - (added) Hid.open() now can accept a device name parameter - (added) analysis/tracking examples are now back (thanks to Kassen for looking into this) - (fixed) calling overloaded functions with most specific match e.g., Specific extends General: fun void foo( General obj ) { } fun void foo( Specific obj ) { } foo( obj $ Specific ); // should call foo( Specific ) (thanks to Robert Poor for reporting, to Kassen, David Rush, Michael Heuer, and Andrew C. Smith for follow-up) - (fixed) STK instruments control changes reports range issues as "control value exceeds nominal range"; previously printed hard-coded values that were potentially misleading (thanks to Kassen for reporting) - (fixed) all oscillators now produce audio for negative frequencies (thanks to Luke Dahl) - (fixed) incorrect UGen disconnect (thanks Kassen for reporting) - (fixed) type checker now validates if/while/for/until types - (fixed) linux compilation (for gcc 4.x) - (fixed) complilation on OS X Snow Leopard ~~~ Ge Wang Assistant Professor Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA) Stanford University http://ccrma.stanford.edu/~ge/ ~ Co-founder, CTO, Chief Creative Officer Smule http://www.smule.com/ ~ http://twitter.com/gewang ~~~

Great news! I'll update the Wiki bug pages with the fixes. Also; in Dutch the word "fout" means "wrong" or "false", that makes this quite funny; "if( !fout.good() )[........]". Many thanks to all involved! Next step (it's that time again, for the first time in a while...) we need a Windows ASIO version. Is there a good page on compiling for Windows using GCC on Linux? Kas.

I'll update the Wiki bug pages with the fixes.
Done. I noted that the CNoise issue, which has a clear and simple fix, somehow didn't make it to CVS. I added it to the new source for my own install again recompiled as it's quite useful. The fix by Tom is on the list, dating July14, I'd like to suggest including that for the next release. Kas.

Very exciting! (I can't wait to crawl out from under this rock so I
can start ChucKing again.)
Congrats to the team!
FileIO 4 eva!
2009/10/5 Kassen
I'll update the Wiki bug pages with the fixes.
I noted that the CNoise issue, which has a clear and simple fix, somehow didn't make it to CVS. I added it to the new source for my own install again recompiled as it's quite useful.
The fix by Tom is on the list, dating July14, I'd like to suggest including that for the next release.
_______________________________________________ chuck-users mailing list chuck-users@lists.cs.princeton.edu https://lists.cs.princeton.edu/mailman/listinfo/chuck-users

Ge; - (fixed) type checker now validates if/while/for/until types
I'm not sure what this consists of, exactly. I thought it refered to the bug(?) that relates to a lack of overloading in operators like "&&". To quickly re-explain the situation; //this is valid (duh) if (true) <<<"yay">>>; //so is this (relevant in detecting the start of the session or zero-length durations) if (now) <<<"yay">>>; //so I feel this should be too, yet it isn't if (now && true) <<<"yay">>>; I'd argue that types like time and dur either have a truth-value or they don't and if they do have a truth-value then the logic operators should be overloaded to deal with them. The quoted fix seems at least related to this phenomenon yet the reported bug isn't fixed. could we go over what this fix consists of then, because now I'm a bit in the dark about what we do have here. Yours, Kas.

Ge Wang wrote:
chuck- (dracula) is available:
Great news. Chuck and miniAudicle is back on arch linux! Looking forward to playing with the file I/O. -- Atte http://atte.dk http://modlys.dk http://virb.com/atte
participants (5)
Atte Andre Jensen
Ge Wang
Lucas Samaruga
mike clemow