hi thanks for hints and links about sound technique i'm running chuck "dracuuulaaa" on an ubuntu breezy with an ingo molnar's realtime patched 2.6.15 kernel (finally after a painful way...%] ) i've much better results regarding latency (my jack server runs with a buffer of 2x256 frames) than the build-in kernel ones.
I just ran the patch for 10 minutes without it crashing. A very cool sounding patch!
Could you tell us what OS and what version of ChucK you are using? I just ran it on OSX 10.4.5 with
On 8-Mar-06, at 4:32 PM, eun.sung@no-log.org wrote:
hi list i have some crash with this patch with this output:
[chuck](via STK): DelayA: setDelay(1856.88) too big!
i tried to debug, routing my signal without the PitchShift and/or without the JCRev, but it crashes anyway i guess it's because of the JCRev unit
or perhaps it's because of my use of manipulating time, which could be not really academic...
here's the patch
Sitar s => PitShift sh => JCRev r => dac;
//init rev, gains 0.9 => r.mix; 0.6 => s.gain; 0.5 => sh.gain;
//lfo pitchShift freq sinosc shFreq => blackhole; 1.0 => shFreq.freq;
//init sitar freq 280 => float temp;
while (true){
1.0 => s.noteOn;
//variation pitchShifting (shFreq.last() * 10 ) => sh.shift; std.rand2f(0.0, 0.8) => sh.mix;
(std.randf() * 20) +=> temp; temp => s.freq; 10::ms => now; }
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