I discovered a problem with machine.add. I called it like this:
"bd_random"] @=> string load[];
for(0=>int i;i

Hi Atte, Can you attach the full program or programs. Please find the smallest example that borks in the same way so we can narrow down the bug. I suspect that there is a loop that keeps adding another copy of your file until your computer runs out of power ( I do the same thing all the time ). --art On 5-Jul-06, at 5:39 PM, Atte André Jensen wrote:
I discovered a problem with machine.add. I called it like this:
["sd_random","sandpaper_16", "breakbeat_breezing", "tri_bass_random","sine_penta_16", "cabassa_offbeat", "noise_hit_period", "moog_melody", "sh", "ob_pad_5th","ob_pad_root" "bd_random"] @=> string load[]; for(0=>int i;i
Even if I just added a single of the simpler files, CPU usage was rising, until after about 6 minutes 100% was used and the audio broke up. I could send a couple of files showing this behavior, but since it seems very consistent, I thought it might not be necessary.
Needless to say, if I simply started everything from bash (or added .ck files from emacs) everything was fine.
This is both running and with alsa under Linux on a patched kernel.
-- peace, love & harmony Atte
http://www.atte.dk | quartet: http://www.anagrammer.dk http://www.atte.dk/gps | compositions: http://www.atte.dk/ compositions _______________________________________________ chuck-users mailing list chuck-users@lists.cs.princeton.edu https://lists.cs.princeton.edu/mailman/listinfo/chuck-users

Adam Tindale wrote:
Hi Atte,
Can you attach the full program or programs. Please find the smallest example that borks in the same way so we can narrow down the bug.
Very tricky. It only happens on top of my home grown chuck setup, which consists of quite a few classes. But will try to narrow it down. I'd bet, though, it involves static member data/functions... -- peace, love & harmony Atte http://www.atte.dk | quartet: http://www.anagrammer.dk http://www.atte.dk/gps | compositions: http://www.atte.dk/compositions

Adam Tindale wrote:
Please find the smallest example that borks in the same way so we can narrow down the bug.
I investigated, and it seems it was partly my fault. Attached are three
To reproduce a problem similar to what I had, run "chuck --loop
instruments", then do "chuck + eats_cpu.ck". Because the call to
Instruments.analog.bd() is not sporked (but called) chuck will eat cpu
rapidly. Why is that? Is it my mistake or is this a bug in chuck?
Secondly, if I instead do "chuck --loop instruments" followed by "chuck
+ leaks.ck", chuck will slowly but surely eat my ram. I had a bigger
example going which did this faster. After 40 minutes or so my 512 Mb of
ram was digested along with my 1G swap, and the machine... well it got
quite un-responsive :-) Why is that? My mistake or a chuck bug?
This is with under Linux...
peace, love & harmony
http://www.atte.dk | quartet: http://www.anagrammer.dk
http://www.atte.dk/gps | compositions: http://www.atte.dk/compositions
float grid[16];
for(0=>int i; i

Hi Atte!
I investigated, and it seems it was partly my fault. Attached are three files.
Thanks for tracking this down.
To reproduce a problem similar to what I had, run "chuck --loop instruments", then do "chuck + eats_cpu.ck". Because the call to Instruments.analog.bd() is not sporked (but called) chuck will eat cpu rapidly. Why is that? Is it my mistake or is this a bug in chuck?
This is a chuck bug (a chug) and it has to do with the incomplete garbage collection in the current release. We plan to fix precisely this type of problems and more in In this case, the function analog_bd( ... ) instantiates and connects a patch
fun static void analog_bd(float dynamic, dur length) {
sinosc s => ADSR env => dac;
[snip] Due to the bug, the UGen's are neither automatically disconnected nor garbage-collected (both should happen when the function exits). The former causes the gradual CPU overload, and the latter causes the memory explosion over time. To manually workaround the disconnect/CPU issue in, disconnect the patch before leaving the function: s =< env =< dac; To manually workaround the memory explosion, make the UGen's static members of the Instrument class (so they don't have to be recreated every time analog_bd is called). However, this runs into the other long-standing static member bug, which forces one to instantiate the object outside: public class Instrument { // declare static reference to sinosc // (due to 'static' not fully implemented for objects) static sinosc @ s; } // instantiate out here // (due to 'static' not fully implemented for objects) new sinosc @=> Instrument.s; Sorry for this horrid hack. We hope to resolve these chugs as soon as we can. Best, Ge!

Ge Wang wrote:
This is a chuck bug (a chug) and it has to do with the incomplete garbage collection in the current release. We plan to fix precisely this type of problems and more in
Not to be pushy, but would you have any ideas about ETA on this? If it's a matter of a month or so, I'll avoid the hacks, (thanks for suggesting them, though) keep my code clean, and work on other areas of my slowly growing chuck system... Thanks for replying... -- peace, love & harmony Atte http://www.atte.dk | quartet: http://www.anagrammer.dk http://www.atte.dk/gps | compositions: http://www.atte.dk/compositions

Hi Atte!
This is a chuck bug (a chug) and it has to do with the incomplete garbage collection in the current release. We plan to fix precisely this type of problems and more in
Not to be pushy, but would you have any ideas about ETA on this?
It's a good question. We hope to have it done by early August, but it's really hard to gauge how accurate that estimate is. We can only say with certainty that it's a top priority and at the front of the queue. Parts of it are already done, but quite a bit more needs to happen. Beyond that it's hard to foresee. Sorry there isn't a concrete answer to this, we certainly hope to get this done asap. Best, Ge!

Ge Wang wrote:
Sorry there isn't a concrete answer to this, we certainly hope to get this done asap.
Maybe an announcement on the list accompanied by a rc snapshot? I think I'll hold my breath, then... Thanks again! -- peace, love & harmony Atte http://www.atte.dk | quartet: http://www.anagrammer.dk http://www.atte.dk/gps | compositions: http://www.atte.dk/compositions

Sorry there isn't a concrete answer to this, we certainly hope to get this done asap.
Maybe an announcement on the list accompanied by a rc snapshot?
Certainly - we will keep the list updated on the (mis)progress and may release an rc for beta-testing before putting out the release. Thanks!
I think I'll hold my breath, then...
Be careful. Stop if you see =>'s and syntax errors random floating about in midair... Best, Ge!

Ge Wang wrote:
Be careful. Stop if you see =>'s and syntax errors random floating about in midair...
LOL -- peace, love & harmony Atte http://www.atte.dk | quartet: http://www.anagrammer.dk http://www.atte.dk/gps | compositions: http://www.atte.dk/compositions

Ge Wang wrote:
To manually workaround the disconnect/CPU issue in, disconnect the patch before leaving the function:
s =< env =< dac;
Am I right that "env =< dac" would effectively stop the patch from calculating? So the extra disconnect is for the garbage collection to also grab s, right? -- peace, love & harmony Atte http://www.atte.dk | quartet: http://www.anagrammer.dk http://www.atte.dk/gps | compositions: http://www.atte.dk/compositions

On 9-Jul-06, at 10:55 AM, Atte André Jensen wrote:
Ge Wang wrote:
To manually workaround the disconnect/CPU issue in, disconnect the patch before leaving the function:
s =< env =< dac;
Am I right that "env =< dac" would effectively stop the patch from calculating? So the extra disconnect is for the garbage collection to also grab s, right?
Garbage collection in ChucK is achieved with Control-C :) This is a future consideration. If you are doing long shows with ChucK it is good to shut it down and restart it a few times if you are loading in lots of UGens. In the 1.5 hour show I normally do I restart ChucK in 6 places to make sure it doesn't blow up. --art

To manually workaround the disconnect/CPU issue in, disconnect the patch before leaving the function:
s =< env =< dac;
Am I right that "env =< dac" would effectively stop the patch from calculating? So the extra disconnect is for the garbage collection to also grab s, right?
Garbage collection in ChucK is achieved with Control-C :) This is a future consideration. If you are doing long shows with ChucK it is good to shut it down and restart it a few times if you are loading in lots of UGens. In the 1.5 hour show I normally do I restart ChucK in 6 places to make sure it doesn't blow up.
ugenA =< ugenB would effectively disconnect ugenA and ugenB, and if neither is ultimately connected to dac (or blackhole), then they won't compute when audio is generated. Currently, however, they are not garbage collected. Garbage collection has recently been elevated from "future consideration" to "current consideration". Actually, much has long been considered and even implemented, though some crucial components still need work. We very much hope to have it working soon. In general, there are ways to structure a program such that it gets around the need for gc, but that's not the way it should be. We shall collect all garbage! Best, Ge!

On Mon, Jul 10, 2006 at 10:04:50PM -0400, Ge Wang wrote:
Garbage collection has recently been elevated from "future consideration" to "current consideration". Actually, much has long been considered and even implemented, though some crucial components still need work. We very much hope to have it working soon. In general, there are ways to structure a program such that it gets around the need for gc, but that's not the way it should be.
Please, please, please use one of the sensible lisp-like garbage collection schemes rather than pure reference counting. B> -- Packrat (BSc/BE;COSO;Wombat Implementor) Nihil illegitemi carbovndvm

Please, please, please use one of the sensible lisp-like garbage collection schemes rather than pure reference counting.
As with other parts of the implementation, we are open to experimentation. There is a multitude of gc algorithms to choose from (what fun). Our general approach is 1. make it work 2. make it right 3. make it fast (and robust for real-time) 4. make it small We plan to try a few approaches, including some flavor of reference counting (with cycle-detection) and eventually explore more advanced options such as incremental and generational gc. We may even provide a command line flag to choose the gc scheme (similar to recent Java hotspot vm's). Will keep our list updated and we may see a rc or two... Thanks! Princeton Waste Management Office
participants (4)
Adam Tindale
Atte André Jensen
Bruce Murphy
Ge Wang