Minimal example not working.

Hi all, I'm just trying to get a minimal example going. I've currently got this: sinosc s => dac; 440. => s.freq; while(true){ 1::second => now; } When I run it I get: [chuck]: RtApi: no devices found for given stream parameters. [chuck]: cannot initialize audio device (try using --silent/-s) I compiled chuck to run using linux-alsa and I'm running it on an Apple iBook running Debian Linux. ALSA is know to work correctly on this machine. Any help appreciated. Erik -- +-----------------------------------------------------------+ Erik de Castro Lopo +-----------------------------------------------------------+ "Data is not information, Information is not knowledge, Knowledge is not understanding, Understanding is not wisdom." -- Clifford Stoll

Hi Erik! Welcome! (and thanks for libsndfile!)
When I run it I get:
[chuck]: RtApi: no devices found for given stream parameters. [chuck]: cannot initialize audio device (try using --silent/-s)
I compiled chuck to run using linux-alsa and I'm running it on an Apple iBook running Debian Linux. ALSA is know to work correctly on this machine.
This may be a sample-rate issue. ChucK defaults to 48000 Hz on Linux (only), but if you are running linux on Mac hardware, perhaps only 44100 is supported by the soundcard? Try: %> chuck --srate44100 or %> chuck -r44100 Let us know if this helps. We have yet to add autoconf support (which the great Stacken folks have already written for the previous v1 release, but we haven't glued things together for v2 yet). Best, Ge!

Ge Wang wrote:
Hi Erik!
Welcome! (and thanks for libsndfile!)
No problem :-).
This may be a sample-rate issue. ChucK defaults to 48000 Hz on Linux (only), but if you are running linux on Mac hardware, perhaps only 44100 is supported by the soundcard? Try:
%> chuck --srate44100
%> chuck -r44100
Let us know if this helps.
Much better. Now I get a nice clean undistorted sine wave, but when I hit control-C I get: [chuck]: cleaning up... Illegal instruction Not a major problem but it could be a sign of a problem elsewhere. So, is there a way to tell chuck to use a different default sample rate other than the command line? A config file maybe? Cheers, Erik -- +-----------------------------------------------------------+ Erik de Castro Lopo +-----------------------------------------------------------+ "C++ has its place in the history of programming languages. Just as Caligula has his place in the history of the Roman Empire." -- Robert Firth

Hi Erik and all,
Much better. Now I get a nice clean undistorted sine wave, but when I hit control-C I get:
[chuck]: cleaning up... Illegal instruction
Not a major problem but it could be a sign of a problem elsewhere.
Yes, our termination code is even more suspect than the rest of chuck, especially on linux. How often does it happen? Our (unix) signal handling is currently rather uncoordinated.
So, is there a way to tell chuck to use a different default sample rate other than the command line?
Unfortunately, not without modifying the source. A config file (or perhaps some environment variables) would be great. We will priority boost this. Best, Ge!

Ge Wang wrote:
Yes, our termination code is even more suspect than the rest of chuck, especially on linux. How often does it happen?
Every single time I terminate chuck using control-c.
Our (unix) signal handling is currently rather uncoordinated.
So, is there a way to tell chuck to use a different default sample rate other than the command line?
Unfortunately, not without modifying the source. A config file (or perhaps some environment variables) would be great. We will priority boost this.
Thanks, much appreciated. Erik -- +-----------------------------------------------------------+ Erik de Castro Lopo +-----------------------------------------------------------+ `[Microsoft] are in the business of giving customers exactly what they ask for, which sounds like a nice idea until you realize that most Microsoft customers are idiots.' --- Eugene O'Neil on comp.os.linux.development.system
participants (2)
Erik de Castro Lopo
Ge Wang