On Jan 19, 2005, at 10:06 PM, Gary Williams wrote:
I know as a programmer and former tech writer that I often learn more when I try to write about it, so I decided that in learning ChucK I would write about learning it. So today I started a blog, Beginning ChucK
This is great - we are in dire need of good tutorials and this seems like a good start! I see that you have made several additions since last night and linked the blog from the wiki (I was just about to do the latter for you). Thank you for taking the initiative and time to get this effort going. There are others who have made tutorials on various topics, some of which are linked from the wiki, but there isn't really a central effort (perhaps until now) to make and collect tutorials. We would like to encourage that everyone who has made demos/tutorials to post them (and to make news ones), through Gary's blog and the ChucK wiki (perhaps Gary can coordinate this somehow). Once we get a good set of tutorials, we can include them in the distribution and organize them online. Thanks again Gary and others who are making stuff more lucid and (gasp) documented. (!!) Hmm, there is one (very) small typo on the blog that I should point out (but only out of conscience, hah): the page currently says that ChucK is being developed by two professors (and their students) - almost true. ChucK is the work of -one- professor (that would be Perry) and his students (I belong in this second group), some of whom are aspiring to be, but are not yet, professors. (But thanks!) Best, Ge!