Dear all, Since chuck-1.5, we shipped a series of incremental releases. We thought we'd spare your inbox (until now!) and offer a cumulative announcement. The latest release -- chuck- (chai) -- just dropped: https://chuck.stanford.edu/release/ WebChuck & IDE have also been updated to https://chuck.stanford.edu/webchuck/ https://chuck.stanford.edu/ide/ =============== Some highlights =============== * chuck in color -- color terminal support is here (for command-line ChucK); compiler errors, probes, logs, on-the-fly programming (OTF), and other messages are output in color, for easier reading and to be more colorful See some example screenshots: https://chuck.stanford.edu/doc/images/chuck-tty-color2023.png === * speaking of compiler errors, ChucK (command-line, miniAudicle, and WebChucK IDE) now display relevant code when reporting compiler errors, and pinpointing the error location. For example: ``` error-testA.ck:3:5: error: class 'SinOsc' has no member 'test' [3] foo.test(); ^ error-testB.ck:5:12: syntax error [5] */ it @ is not ! valid => syntax! ^ ``` The improved error-reporting should make chuck a bit easier to use for everyone, and especially for students learning the language. === * improved random number generator (RNG) on all platforms (and especially on windows); ChucK now defaults to mt19937 (Mersenne Twister with long period of 2^19937; when supported by the underlying platform) and with a few additional tools/toys... Some new random examples: https://chuck.stanford.edu/doc/examples/math/randomize.ck https://chuck.stanford.edu/doc/examples/math/maybe.ck https://chuck.stanford.edu/doc/examples/math/int-dist.ck === * Machine.eval(...) now will immediately spork and synchronously run the evaluated code as a new shred, while automatically yielding the current shred to give the new shred a chance to run, all this without advancing time. This opens the possibility for running generated code at runtime! powerful! perilous! Machine API reference: https://chuck.stanford.edu/doc/reference/base.html#Machine Machine.eval() examples: https://chuck.stanford.edu/doc/examples/machine/eval.ck https://chuck.stanford.edu/doc/examples/machine/eval-global.ck === miniAudicle "quality of life" improvements for newcomers and veterans alike: * miniAudicle "Help" menu now has items that will open websites in the default browser -- for quick access to documentation: "ChucK Class Library Reference..." https://chuck.stanford.edu/doc/reference/ "ChucK Documentation..." https://chuck.stanford.edu/doc/ "ChucK Community..." https://chuck.stanford.edu/community/ * "Audio driver" drop-down selection in Preferences, for run-time selection of different drivers: "DirectSound", "WASAPI", or "ASIO" on Windows; "Jack", "Pulse", or "ALSA" on Linux * Device Browser now has an "Audio driver" drop-down box that can select an available driver to view its associated audio devices * Preferences->ChuGins can now probe chugins on the systems === See what's new (full release notes): https://chuck.stanford.edu/release/VERSIONS Much more is on the way... === (For developers) * improved build instructions for ChucK, miniAudicle, and Chugins on their respective repository landing pages: https://github.com/ccrma/chuck#readme https://github.com/ccrma/miniAudicle#readme https://github.com/ccrma/chugins#readme ========================================= chuck one, chuck all -- join us! https://chuck.stanford.edu/community/ ========================================= Happy ChucKing, ChucK Team ~~~ Ge Wang Associate Professor Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA) Department of Music (also Computer Science, by Courtesy) Stanford University https://ccrma.stanford.edu/~ge/ ~ Artful Design: Technology in Search of the Sublime! -- what we make, makes us -- https://artful.design/ ~~~