1) I got error: *** Fatal error : sizeof (off_t) != sizeof (sf_count_t) *** This means that libsndfile was not configured correctly. with examples which uses sndbuf for opening wav-files
This is a problem under Linux (and occasionally OS X) that we hope to address with autoconf (Thanks again to Stacken). For now, there is a workaround: --- 1. If you don't have libsndfile installed on your system, download the library from: http://www.mega-nerd.com/libsndfile/ and compile and install it (instructions included in download). 2. Uncomment 3 lines in the ChucK makefile you are using (makefile.alsa, makefile.oss, or makefile.jack) at this point: #---------------------------------------------------------------- # by default, ChucK uses a pre-configured libsndfile... # uncomment the next 3 lines to use libsndfile on your system #---------------------------------------------------------------- #FLAGS+= -D__CK_SNDFILE_NATIVE__ #LIBS+= -lsndfile #SF_OBJ= This will direct ChucK to use the libsndfile that is installed on your system. Sorry for this massive hack!
2) With many programs from http://wiki.cs.princeton.edu/index.php/ChucK_Programs I got errors like [hihat.ck]:line(38): cannot cast to type 'int' from 'dur'...
I got the same error on hihat.ck. This is due to a recent change in the sndbuf API (sorry) where length is a 'dur' and no longer a 'int'. I think the way to fix this is by dividing the duration by the appropriate unit (samp, the duration of a sample in this case). (Gary, please let me know if my changes are incorrect.) (int)(open.length/1::samp) => int tlen; // a few lines below (int)(closed.length/1::samp) => int tmplen; sndbuf is also a minor disaster area that needs cleaning up. Please let us know if you run into more problems. Happy ChucKing! Best, Ge!