Hi Jim! Welcome to the list!
There are a number of instruments described in the docs that I would like to play with, but that don't appear to be implemented yet (at least, not in the windows version). These include ModalBar, Sitar & StifKarp.
They are in not the current release, but have since been ported! (Thanks much to Phil Davidson) We are actually putting a release together today that includes these new instruments from STK: BandedWG Blowhole BlowBotl Bowed Brass Clarinet Flute ModalBar Saxofony Sitar StifKarp
A search of the examples shows no square brackets. From this can I assume there are no arrays? Are arrays coming? If not, is there a paradigmic ChucKish way of accomplishing this?
You are correct, currently there are no arrays ChucK. But there most definitely will be. We are currently implementing arrays, as well as objects and synchronous and asynchronous events. These are going be in the next major release later this month. Welcome, once again! Happy ChucKing! Best, Ge!