Hi Everyone, My name is Adam Tindale and I am chucK user. I was wondering if maybe we could start a short discussion on a wishlist for chucK. Maybe some public comments, etc.
You are correct, currently there are no arrays ChucK. But there most definitely will be. We are currently implementing arrays, as well as objects and synchronous and asynchronous events. These are going be in the next major release later this month.
In response to this, I was hoping that there might be a line object included sometime. Something that could be easily used for break point functions with different interpolation between points as options. I can't wait for synchronous and asynchronous events. I was going to ask about this. Does anyone have any experience using midi in chucK? No offence Ge, but I would like to see a more comprehensive example involving control change messages and the use of different channels. My midi controller is broken so I can't experiment right now :( I love distortion and would love to see a simple (or complex) waveshaping distortion object. This may not be necessary once arrays are implemented. Also, math. I recently had a problem (a user problem, not a chucK problem) with casting types, blah blah blah. Are C expressions good in chucK? Did I miss that in the documentation? I look forward to seeing if this thread goes anywhere. happY chucKing a