It seems that the Visual C++ Toolkit ist available as a free download. I don't know if it would be sufficient for compiling ChucK, but it's not a bigger download than Cygwin. I will posz some feature suggestions later... Ge Wang wrote:
Hi smoerk,
On Aug 6, 2004, at 6:05 AM, smoerk wrote:
I would prefer a native port, which could be compiled with mingw. Moving from a free compiler to closed-source Visual-C++ (IMHO). I will not install a unlicensed copy of Visual-C++ (or is Visual C++ available for free now?)
We are not so much "moving" to Visual C++ under Windows , but rather also supporting it, in addition to gcc/cygwin. mingw is a good idea, we will look into it. In the meantime, let's figure out (either by direct email or the developer list) the best way to get chuck running on windows (cygwin/mingw/vc++ maybe) for you and others.
Also, we now have a bug/feature tracking system hosted on sourceforge. (the development/CVS/mailing/distribution/homepage will remain at Princeton). You may submit bugs/feature requests at:
Of course, still feel free to email us or post to chuck-dev/chuck for bugs/features/support.
ThanK you!
Best, Ge!