Can you embed musical notation in Chuck source code?
What the Chuck: a debugging mode where Chuck dumps pretty much
everything it's doing into a report. Show all the ugens along with
their parameters and their waveforms. Show all the points where I've
advanced the clock. Dump it to HTML and PostScript. I'm a newbie and
I make lots and lots of mistakes, so my programs produce either
obstinate silence or hideous screeching. I like how in sound
programming if you screw up you can completely shred your ears.
Eh, random programming stuff: switch statements, exceptions, modules
and imports. Oh, and since you're adding arrays, can you add a
dictionary class?
I tried to write a function that took any ugen as a parameter, but
ugen is not a type so I had to write the function for a specific ugen.
I would like to write generic functions that took any ugen as a
On Tue, 21 Sep 2004 23:39:17 -0400, Ge Wang
Hi All!
I was wondering if maybe we could start a short discussion on a wishlist for chucK. Maybe some public comments, etc.
Good idea. Here is what we have so far...