the video worked with mplayer on my 900 MHz athlon PlanetCCRMA box, FWIW. I agree that readable screen grabs would have been very nice to see from a how-to standpoint. Great stuff Ge and Perry.
On Thursday 21 October 2004 12:12, Ge Wang wrote:
Mark asked about some kind of streaming or recording of the ChucK double projection performance at ffmup last tuesday. We have a video recording of the thing (audio captured on poor stereo mic onboard consumer camera). (third performance down)
Feel free to comment, question, and call us idiots.
Absolutely wonderful to hear* and see some action from you guys and ChucK. In fact the folder where the video is found contains some gems... loved :)
A direct grab of the screen would be more useful as I could not really work out the visuals. The video was great as a "being there" experience but the learning input would be enhanced with a direct screen grab and, say, some voice over comments as well. Between a clear and readable screen display, some comments, and the actual audio output all captured to video, a novice user could pick up on ChucK really easily (or easier).
*ironically the sound of the video would not work with either mplayer or xine on my AMD64 box.
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"Both Rob and I see sound as shapes. I only have to do this (makes a fist) and he knows what sound I mean". - Autechre ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Ernie Dulanowsky CCNA CWLSS
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