On Mon, 2005-06-27 at 13:51 -0400, Ge Wang wrote:
[...] However, I think it's hard to set a release date, since our earlier attempts obviously weren't met. So we will keep going as fast as we can until the last features/bugs are dealt with. We are close. ...
Maybe you should just remove the announcement for may/2005 on the site, that's confusing. Still, "It's ready when it's done" - I like the Debian way :) Only it would be great to have CVS read access for the adventurous who wanna try out the bleeding edge - i just saw on sourceforge the CVS is empty. BTW, do you plan to create a Debian package for chuck? I'd be interested in helping with that. Actually, I didn't use chuck for a while but have some deb's lying around somewhere for personal use, which I'd just need to polish up a bit, so others can use it, too, and I would even like to try to get them into the Debian distribution. I am already somewhat familiar with the Debian development model and could apply as a maintainer for chuck in Debian. Henning