ons 2008-07-16 klockan 04:42 -0700 skrev Ge Wang:
Dear all,
chuck- (dracula) is available:
This release introduces dynamic auto-growing arrays, various fixes, enhancements, and likely new and better bugs/features (see below for a full list). Rebecca and I have added additional UAnae (unit analyzers, see http://chuck.cs.princeton.edu/uana/) in preparation for an all-new upcoming toolkit (following in the footsteps of S.M.E.L.T., see http://smelt.cs.princeton.edu/), which Rebecca will announce soon! A new miniAudicle is on the way from Spencer, as well as an updated audicle version. As always, let us know if you encounter unexpected fishiness (and expected fishiness as well).
Many many thanks to Kassen, Kijjaz, Eduard, folks on the electro-music chuck forum, chuck-users, PLOrk, SLOrk, students and staff at CCRMA and Princeton, Fernando Lopez-Lezcano, Carr Wilkerson, and rest of the chuck community for helping to make this release happen!!
Thanks and Happy ChucKing, UpChucKing!
Best, chuck team
Great news!
CHANGES --- - (added) dynamic, resizable arrays .size( int ) resizes array; .size() returns current size() << operator appends new elements into array
Is this really right? are we doing right-to-left assignment now?
.popBack() pops the last element of the array, reducing size by 1 .clear() zero's out elements of the array (see examples/array/ array_dyanmic.ck
cheers, Gasten