22 Jan
22 Jan
9:35 p.m.
As I noted on the features request page on the wiki, I think we need an exit() function. I noticed in my scalefunction.ck example on b-chuck, it would have been good to issue an error message and exit in the bad-parameter value case -- but I don't see exit() in the programmers guide. Also, and include verb to allow inclusion of function modules and header files would be helpful. (Similar to the #include in C...) --Gary ---- Chess: http://chessnut.net/ Homepage: http://garywilliams.org/ Blog: http://tfs_reluctant.blogspot.com/ ChucK Blog: http://b-chuck.blogspot.com/ Resume: http://garywilliams.org/resume.htm Store: http://www.cafeshops.com/tfsreluctant/ Phone: (607) 775-0408 Permanent email: gwms@corninglink.com