Dear All, chuck- is another incremental update with bug fixes and one rather questionable new keyword: http://chuck.cs.princeton.edu/ we apologize for the lack of language references. there is now a somewhat definitive list of keywords: http://chuck.cs.princeton.edu/doc/program/keywords.html this is mirrored from the wiki - feel free to post stuff here: http://wiki.cs.princeton.edu/index.php/ChucK_Keywords Please let us know if there are any issues. --- - 2004.11.18 - fixed clicks when using adc unit generator (thanks to paul botelho for testing) - added 'maybe' keyword maybe == 0 or 1, with 50% probability each new examples: - maybe.ck : the maybe keyword - bad idea? maybe. - maybecli.ck : maybe click, maybe not adc examples work better: - adc.ck - echo.ck - i-robot.ck HappY ChucKing! Best, ChucK team