Hi Gary, Multi-dac usage is generally not good unless you can synchronize the two clocks ... otherwise, you get drift over time. --gary On Jan 26, 2005, at 11:46 AM, Gary Williams wrote:
I was thinking about multiple voice chords and I see dac described in the Programming Guide as
[ugen] dac * digital/analog converter * abstraction for underlying audio output device
so I thought that it could be the target of multiple ugen's in one shred, and tried it here http://garywilliams.org/chuck/bpmulti2.ck
It seems to work. So I used it as the basis of an article on http://b-chuck blogspot.com/. But I notice that if I use multiple instances of this
chuck bpmulti2.ck bpmulti2.ck
it generates interference.
Is multiple dac usage legal (and proper)? And does anyone know why multiple instances generate interference?
--Gary Williams ---- Chess: http://chessnut.net/ Homepage: http://garywilliams.org/ Blog: http://tfs_reluctant.blogspot.com/ ChucK Blog: http://b-chuck.blogspot.com/ Resume: http://garywilliams.org/resume.htm Store: http://www.cafeshops.com/tfsreluctant/ Phone: (607) 775-0408 Permanent email: gwms@corninglink.com
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