Hi All!
I was wondering if maybe we could start a short discussion on a wishlist for chucK. Maybe some public comments, etc.
Good idea. Here is what we have so far... ChucK wish list next major release: in progress --- arrays objects events proper casting global value map shred-local adc/dac cross-chucking multiple arguments to ugens stereo/multi-channel (and a few minor releases later) --- OSC MIDI (done less horrendously) network better sndbuf (many) input devices (potential) parallel efforts --- GLucK (OpenGL for ChucK) this is almost ready for release Phil have been working on this. TrucK: ChucK to C/C++ translator (for embedded platforms, and for non-on-the-fly native compilation) Paul Botelho and I talked about this last night. (I just now made up the name) MucK: okay, this is going further into la-la land. MATLAB / ChucK extension. Diemo Schwarz and I had once envisioned this renegade concept of doing analysis in MATLAB and (somehow) using ChucK from within MATLAB to quickly (and concurrently) playback/synthesize/audisize on-the-spot. I wonder if anyone still wishes for this. SucK: we need a really bad idea to go with this. And of course, the Audicle. http://audicle.cs.princeton.edu/ --- post ideas and comments here. you can also add requests at http://chuck.sf.net ThanK you! Best, Ge!