Hello, miniAudicle- (alpha) is now available. http://audicle.cs.princeton.edu/mini/ This release fixes a major threading bug in miniAudicle- for Linux, and is a recommended upgrade for Linux users. Furthermore, randomly occurring errors when using user interface elements on OS X have been eliminated. Additionally, chuck- has been integrated into this release. There are also several smaller changes as noted below. Please let us know about any problems, bugs, feature requests, etc. thanks, miniAudicle team --- - (fixed)(Linux) massive stability improvements - (fixed)(Mac) resolved spurious 'undefined type' errors when using MAUI elements - (fixed)(Mac) Virtual Machine monitor CPU usage improvments - (fixed)(Mac) console monitor speed/performance improvements - (changed)(Linux,Windows) ChucK menu items now use same key bindings as miniAudicle OS X - (added)(all) chuck- integrated - (added)(Linux,Windows) ability to close and recall console monitor and virtual machine monitor - (removed)(Linux,Windows) console monitor buffer limit ignored (too slow)