Dear All, version is out, with many large/small "improvements" Thanks to all who contributed to this release - especially Phil, Ari, n++k! --- - 2004.6.18 - add sndfile support (Ari Lazier) - add sndbuf file reading/writing (Ari Lazier) - add sinosc.sfreq and phase (Phil Davidson) - add sndbuf rate and sinc interp (Phil Davidson) - add cget functions for unit generators parameters (many parameters are readable now) - add .last for last sample computed for all ugen's - add constants in lib import - add math.pi math.twopi math.e - add --srate(N) in command line (chuck --help) - typing .ck extension optional on command line - fixed spork bug involved local variables - fixed nested function calls - fixed math.min/max bug (Phil Davidson) - fixed audio stability OS X (Ari Lazier) - fixed MidiOut issue (thanks to n++k) new Unit Generators (from STK) ADSR (updated) BiQuad Delay DelayA DelayL Echo WaveLoop (updated) Online documentation also includes new additions (thanks to Phil and Ari) Coming soon... - GLucK (OpenGL for chuck) - n++k midi modules - arrays! - more tutorials - visual studio support Happy ChucKing - let us know if things go bad! Best, Perry and Ge!
participants (1)
Ge Wang