Fellow ChucKers, chuck- is released! This is a minor release, numbered because we ran out of single digits after The next major release will be That is coming in next few days. contains bug fixes, improved sndbuf, and the ability to write out to audio files: http://chuck.cs.princeton.edu/ --- - 2004.9.29 - now able to write audio files (wav, aiff, raw) (try rec.ck and rec2.ck concurrently with any other shreds to record to disk) - STK file endian is now observed (more things should work on little endian systems) - added 4 "special" built-in sound samples "special:glot_pop" - glottal pulse (formant-free) "special:glot_ahh" - glottal 'ahh' pop "special:glot_eee" - glottal 'eee' pop "special:glot_ooo" - glottal 'ooo' pop (see/listen to moe++.ck, larry++.ck, curly++.ck) - all bulit-in sound samples now loadable from both WaveLoop and sndbuf - (win32) sndbuf now properly loads wav aiff new examples: - moe++.ck - stooges, evolved - larry++.ck - curly++.ck - rec.ck - run this concurrently to write audio to file (also try with -s flag for file out, no real-time audio) - rec2.ck - same as rec, but writes to different file every time, for sessions HappY ChucKing! Best, ChucK team
participants (1)
Ge Wang