It's me again (sorry). Here is a brief tutorial on writing to disk... --- 1. recording your ChucK session to file is easy! example: you want to record the following: > chuck all you's got to do is ChucK a shred that writes to file: > chuck no changes to existing files are necessary. an example can be found in examples/, this guy/gal writes to "foo.wav". edit the file to change. if you don't want to worry about overwriting the same file everytime, you can: > chuck will generate a file name using the current time. You can change the prefix of the filename by "data/session" => w.autoPrefix; w is the WvOut in the patch. Oh yeah, you can of course chuck the on-the-fly... from terminal 1 > chuck --loop from terminal 2 > chuck + --- 2. silent mode you can write directly to disk without having real-time audio by using --silent or -s > chuck -s this will not synchronize to the audio card, and will generate samples as fast as it can. --- 3. start and stop you can start and stop the writing to file by: 1 => w.record; // start 0 => w.record; // stop as with all thing ChucKian, this can be done sample-synchronously. --- 4. another halting problem what if I have infinite time loop, and want to terminate the VM, will my file be written out correctly? the answer: Ctrl-C works just fine. ChucK STK module keeps track of open file handles and closes them even upon abnormal termination, like Ctrl-C. Actually for many, Ctrl-C is the natural way to end your ChucK session. At any rate, this is quite ghetto, but it works. As for seg-faults and other catastrophic events, like computer catching on fire from ChucK exploding, the file probably is toast. hmmmm, toast... --- 5. the silent sample sucker strikes again as in, one patch to write to file is: dac => gain g => WvOut w => blackhole; the blackhole drives the WvOut, which in turns sucks samples from gain and then the dac. The WvOut can also be placed before the dac: noise n => WvOut w => dac; The WvOut writes to file, and also pass through the incoming samples. --- 6. post your files online --- 7. I need to go to sleep. this concludes the brief tutorial. Best, Ge!
participants (1)
Ge Wang