Hi Chuckers, i just recently discovered Chuck, and quite like it...seems like a great tool to make some fun noises and try out some ideas... The first thing i missed whilest doing my first experiments were arrays. whilest reading thru the archives of this list i saw this is coming soon... is there a new expected release date ? you probably hate that question, but anyway, i thought ill give it a try...;) thanks, regards -andreas

Hi Andreas + all,
The first thing i missed whilest doing my first experiments were arrays. whilest reading thru the archives of this list i saw this is coming soon... is there a new expected release date? you probably hate that question, but anyway, i thought ill give it a try...;)
Ha, good try! Since we have missed the release date the last few times, the new release date is now "as soon as possible." The difference between development now vs. two months ago is that we are now working full time (without paper deadlines and such) and will not stop until the release is out (after that we will keep going to add other features). The new release (chuck-1.2) is not done because we are (re)implementing the interfaces for the new class library, which will allow objects (written in ChucK or C/C++) to be imported into the class tree. This will hopefully be the last "showstopper" component before release. Two other ChucK-related releases - the Audicle (http://audicle.cs.princeton.edu/), which some of you have seen, and GLucK (graphics programming in ChucK) are due out later this summer (a few months after chuck-1.2). Both are mostly implemented but awaiting chuck-1.2 to be completed. We are sorry things are so delayed. Thanks for your incredible patience! Best, Ge!
participants (2)
Ge Wang