Dear All, Upcoming events in the New York City / Princeton area, very soon: (Somehow, they all end up in span of 7 days) If anyone is within chucking distance, please come on down. insanity starts with: --- October 12th, Tuesday, 9:30pm Princeton Terrace Club Perry + Ge ChucK double projection duet at ffmup (same place Nick and Fredrik set fire to (figuratively/musically) recently) http://ffmup.org/ (free admission) --- October 13th, Wednesday ACM Multimedia 2004, New York, NY ChucK presentation and live demonstration as winner of 2004 ACM Multimedia Open Source Software Competition http://www.acm.org/sigs/sigmm/mm2004/ http://www.acm.org/sigs/sigmm/mm2004/acm_mm04_FinalProgram.htm (need conference registration) --- October 17th, Sunday 5:00pm Share, New York NY ChucK Workshop + Performance Ge + Phil http://share.dj/ http://chuck.cs.princeton.edu/events/share-2004.10.17.html (see above for direction, free admission) --- October 18th, Monday noon Princeton Computer Science Graphics Lunch, Princeton Audicle Presentation http://www.cs.princeton.edu/gfx/lunch.php (there is a good reason to come to this - there is free food) --- Best, Ge!

On Monday 11 October 2004 15:21, Ge Wang wrote:
Upcoming events in the New York City / Princeton area, very soon: (Somehow, they all end up in span of 7 days) If anyone is within chucking distance, please come on down. ...
Any ogg recordings for the geophysically displaced (like, by about 10K km) will be gratefully downloaded and listened to. --markc
participants (2)
Ge Wang
Mark Constable