new! tapestrea- releases!

Dear all, Live from the (ad hoc) Princeton Sound Lab Software Release Campaign, we bring you the very first release of TAPESTREA: tapestrea- (tap tap) is now released, for Mac OS X, Linux, and Windows: TAPESTREA (or taps) is a new set of paradigms and techniques for sound design (new research, led by Ananya Misra, with Perry Cook, Ge Wang, and others). TAPESTREA leverages sinusoidal analysis, wavelet-tree learning, transient analysis, and a new real-time graphical interface (partly based on the audicle) to perform analysis, transformation, and synthesis of sounds through a system of "sound templates". In addition, one can write ChucK programs to provide precise control over various parts of the taps system, and to script compositions combining taps with "traditional" audio synthesis techniques (or uh, t.a.s.t.) In addition to the release, one can find documentation, papers, audio examples, and a video delineating the ideas and features of Taps, at the URL above. We invite you to take a look, fire up the system, and let us know of any questions and suggestions. There is also a taps mailing list for releases, updates, discussion, and development. Join us! Thanks!!! Best, taps team (Ananya, Perry, Ge, Matt)
participants (1)
Ge Wang