A simple initial routing table is built(see Script file -> packet_gen.ind) durin g startup. The routing table is maintained in a TRIE data structure. See "RFC1812 Imp.pdf" for more details given along with Dev Workbench.
College of Engineering, Guindy
Anna University,
----- Original Message -----
From: Ajay modi
Hi frnds, I ma student of masters.i m working on IXP1200. I am facing the problem of routing.I m doing some enahancement in RFC1812router example.Any body did the work on it.Then plz tell me where is the routing table and what r there contents and how r they creating .... I waitng for ur ans.... Thanx in advance......... bybye ajay
Ajay Modi Mobile No. 9412352842 Mtech-II(CSE) F-112,Jawhar Bhawnan IIT Roorkee --------------------------------- M.B.M.ENGINERRING COLLEGE JODHPUR ---------------------------------
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