Cyrus, On my installation of the Intel Developer's Workbench, the hashsv.h file is in C:\IXP1200\include --Chris Griffin Embedded Software Engineer Visual Networks, Inc. cgriffin@visualnetworks.com phone: 301-296-2644 fax: 301-296-2303
-----Original Message----- From: Cyrus Hall [SMTP:hallcp@cs.colorado.edu] Sent: Thursday, June 26, 2003 4:27 PM To: ixp1200 List Subject: [ixp1200] HashSv functions? (accessing the hash units from the SA)
I'm in need of a way to initialize a hashtable for the microengines later use. There appears to be no direct way to access the hash unit on the FBI, but the Microcode Software Reference Manual lists a family of functions called HashSv_* (HashSv_Init, etc). The manual lists the prototypes as being in hashsv.h.
Yet I can't find hashsv.h anywhere. Is this another documented, but nonexistent piece of functionality? And if this is the case, how would people suggest initializing a hash table on the SA for use by the micros? The values to initialize the table will be coming from a configuration file, so hard-coding the table in the ME's doesn't work for me.
Thanks all, Cyrus