When I invoke 'sgo ipmm.srec', the output on the board's serial port stops abruptly. Here is the output.
Calling my_main() Starting uEngines and control program.
--- Control_SystemStart --- Contr ==========================
This happens irrespective of if I build the microcode with or without VRP. The LED displays 0x25. The same happens with the application PktGen. What have I done wrong here?
I don't think that you have done anything wrong. Everything sounds like it's starting up fine until it stops. (The 0x25 in the LEDS is normal, if I remember correctly.) This sounds like the program exiting early, either because of an error (like a segmentation fault), or something else. How is the board crashing? Is it just stopping, or is it resetting?
How about putting a line like
while (getc() != '\n');
to find out where in the program the board is crashing.
I added these while loops before and after the following two statements in IXP1200_Apps/IPmm/main.c Control_SystemStart(0, 0); Control_BootUEs(&rcv_uCode, &xmt_uCode); The board seemed to hang immediately after returning from Control_SystemStart and before calling Control_BootUEs. I added a couple of led() function calls between these two statements. The LEDs displayed the code that I had put in, but the very next statement (a while loop) would hang. Then I realized that the board had a flash image built on a machine with RH 6.2 and Linux 2.2.19, though the board was now installed in a PC with RH 7.1 and Linux 2.4.5 (I had to move the board to a new PC but forgot to update the flash). Can this be a reason for the board hanging? Anyway, I decided to update the flash with one built on the same machine in which the board is now installed. Here is where I am stuck now. If I invoke the flash utility from Flash/linux-386/bin/flash, I get the error 'Operation not permitted' (Vera and Vera_flash drivers are installed). The following output is printed on the board's serial port ===== Compile Timestamp: 12:51:23 on Sep 27 2002 Command Line (argc = 3): ixp1200/sa/bin/flash.srec 0 0x0B1AE000 mode = 0x00000000 (0) kbba = 0x0B1AE000 (186310656) parse_opts passed Uncaught exception Assertion failed raised at flash.c:61 aborting... minimon mode. Type ^C to exit minimon, ^X to discard line, ^R reset ===== The assertion failure in flash.c is because the kbba value is NOT less than 128 M (128*1024*1024) How do I get around this problem and update the flash? Thanks for your help, Magesh