hello Banit,
I will switch over to Linux release 7.2
Thanks for the pointer.
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From: Banit Agrawal
Reply-To: ixp1200@CS.Princeton.EDU
To: ixp1200@CS.Princeton.EDU
Subject: Re: [ixp1200] Re:ENP 2505 Installation
Date: Thu, 4 Dec 2003 17:42:28 -0800 (PST)
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Hello Darshan,
I had similar problems when I was staring my work on IXP1200 network
processor. I also installed Red Hat Linux 9. But I found that
for Red hat Linux 9, we may require some tweakings on device drivers.
If you have Intel education CD, then you can get stared by first
installing red hat linux 7.2. I have tried Red Hat Linux 7.2 and
it has worked for me.
Hope it helps.
Best of luck
On Thu, 4 Dec 2003, Darshan Uka wrote:
I am a novice in the area of network processors. Currently, i am
the ENP 2505 IXP 1200 Network Processor board on a Linux Release 9 with
Windows Emulator [Wine]on it. I have the minicom configured to Baud
Rate-38400 Data Bits- 8 Stop Bits-1 Parity-None and no hardware and
software flow control. I have the DIP 1301 switch on the ENP 2505 network
processor board set to boot the Boot Manager.
1.When i boot the system i still don't get the BootMgr prompt in the
Any suggestions?
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Banit Agrawal Graduate Student Researcher
Department of Computer Science (909)-787-2001
UC, Riverside bagrawal@cs.ucr.edu
CA, 92521 http://www.cs.ucr.edu/~bagrawal
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