Our lab has two intel IXP 1200 evaluation boards. These fit in a standard PC (they have pci slots) and have serial access like an evaluation board. The boards are made by RadiSys and have the part number ENP2505. I have been trying for a few weeks to get them to boot linux via tftp and I haven't had any luck. When the board starts it immediately boots into Cygmon. When HOST mode is enabled Cygmon then counts down and starts automatically booting linux. At this point I get this error message: Failed to initialize TFTP transfer, check network connection and IP addr. When I am in FTP mode I immediately get this message: Press space bar to abort host download mode.... Press space bar to abort host download mode.... If I don't push space then this will continue forever. The bootoptions are set as follows: cygmon> bo [BootOptions]: 1 BOOTP/Manual (manual) 2 Local IP ( 3 Remote IP ( 4 Linux kernel file name (zImage) 5 Linux ramdisk file name (ramdisk_img.gz) 6 Linux kernel load offset (C4008000) 7 Linux boot command line string () 8 Countdown to auto-boot linux (60) 9 Starting SDRAM offset for host PCI access (0 MB) 10 SDRAM window size for host PCI access (256 MB) 11 Linux download mode [1] 0=FTP 1=HOST Enter option number (1 to 11), "q" to quit, "s" to save: is a machine on the same ethernet segment as the ixp card. It is running a tftp server that has been tested and seems to work fine. Furthermore, I can run tcpdump on and the ixp card never tries to get anything from the tftp server. It doesn't send any traffic onto the network, not even arp. I tried using the System Monitor mode on the board but this just hung when the board tried to boot. I also can't get to the boot manager because Cygmon seems to immediately start up instead. I can't find a way to make sure that the ethernet interfaces are up and that I have configured everything correctly before declaring the ROM bad and reflashing it. Specifically, my questions are: - What exactly is the "on-board 82559 (or 82559ER) Ethernet Interface" mentioned in the manuals? Does this refer to all of the 4 RJ-45 jacks on the board or some jack that I don't have or don't see? Since the board supposedly uses this for the tftp transfer I want to make sure that I am plugging the cables into the right jacks on the card. Is there a specific jack that I am supposed to use? I have tried all four and haven't had any luck yet. - Any idea why I can't get to the boot manager or the system monitor when booting the board? Were these removes to make room for Cygmon? - Does any one know of a way to hard reboot the card from inside cygmon? It would be a big help for testing. - Any idea why the board won't boot from the tftp server? - Has anyone seen better documentation on setting up the boards and what to do when they don't work? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you, Greg Prier ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Greg Prier Previously: A Mudder 3564 Boelter Hall Currently: A Bruin working UCLA CA 90095 towards a PhD (310) 825-8899 After that: No idea "Hell, there are no rules here. We're trying to accomplish something." Thomas Edison