Najati, Let me clarify this a bit. Development of microC *microACEs* is not supported by Intel in IXA SDK 2.x. Use of microC outside of the microACE framework is supported and microC code will run on the IXP1200 hardware. A ------------------------ Aaron Kunze Intel Labs -PGP Key ID: 0x81124B7C- -NOT SPEAKING FOR INTEL- ------GO BOILERS!!------
-----Original Message----- From: Najati Imam [] Sent: Wednesday, September 04, 2002 10:42 AM To: ixp1200@CS.Princeton.EDU Subject: [ixp1200] microC development
We've recently found out from our Intel guys that the SDK does not supposed running microC-developed images on the IXP1200 hardware. Is there no way to use microC (or anything but microcode, really) to develop for the microengines?