Qiu Qiang, You are quite right, I seemed to have released slightly problematic code. The fix is, as you suggest to comment out that LIB_HDRS line in the Makefile. For the other problem I have attached a patch which should be applied to Vera/Libixprouter/sa/src/control.c it removed references to the atoi function and used a substitute available in Libsck. To apply the patch, simply run # patch control.c controlpatch Remember to keep a copy of the old control.c, and don't hesitate to point out any other bugs that you find. Zuki -- Yitzchak Gottlieb zuki@CS.Princeton.EDU On Sat, 23 Mar 2002, Qiu Qiang wrote:
Hi Zuki,
I just try out the new released VERA. I met some problem during compiling.
1. I cannot find the file p3tosa.h metioned in Libixprouter/common/src/makefile LIB_HDRS +=p3tosa.h
2. After I comment out the line metioned above, all the Library was compiled succefully; However, when I try to compile IPmm application, it report some error like: ..../Vera/Libixprouter/sa/lib/libIXPRouter.a(control.o)(.text+0x124):fake: relocation truncated to fit: ARM_26 atoi
I cannot figure out the reason. Wish you could give me some idea.
Best Regards, Qiu Qiang