I used your advice and looked at core_io.h and
hal_fbi.h and wrote a short proc to read one of the
regs .when i am building the file I get this error messages :
"#error IOSTYLE must be defined on the command line"
" #error OS must be defined on the command line"
I checked at iostyle.h where I found a note
"the command line for the module should include something to the effect:

       ... -DIOSTYLE=XACTIO ...
 or   ... -DIOSTYLE=AMBAIO ...
Can you advise me on this matter?
----- Original Message -----
From: Arthur Berkovitch
To: ixp1200@CS.Princeton.EDU
Sent: Monday, September 02, 2002 3:57 PM
Subject: RE: [ixp1200] reading statistics registers from the ixf440 ( ixp12eb)

reading a scratch address from core can be done by:

#define FBI_SCRATCH_PAD_BASE    0xB0044000
#define READ_LWORD(addr, val) *((volatile unsigned int *)(val)) = *((unsigned int *)(addr))
#define SCRATCH_READ(addr, val) READ_LWORD(((addr)<<2)+FBI_SCRATCH_PAD_BASE, (val))

look at hal_fbi.h and core_io.h under $(IXP_ROOT)/include

-----Original Message-----
From: tomer [mailto:bahart@bgumail.bgu.ac.il]
Sent: Monday, September 02, 2002 10:51 AM
To: ixp1200@CS.Princeton.EDU
Subject: [ixp1200] reading statistics registers from the ixf440 ( ixp12eb)

I am working on the ixp12eb supported by the vxworks os.
I am trying to read the statistic registers from the ixf440, so far no
I went through your example codes.
In the control.c file ( libixprouter.tar ) i saw that you use the
scratchRead32( ) function to do the job.
I could not find this function.
Can you advise me on this matter?

You my find this Q too obvious, but i am a beginner on the system, anything
is helpful to me.
