Information on the StrongARM Core API to interact with the other functional units of the IXP1200 (like the IX Bus, the Microengines, etc.) can be found in Section 2 of the IXP1200 Software Reference Manual. For StrongARM Core development, one could use a development environment, such as Tornado from WindRiver www.windriver.com or some other StrongARM-compatible compiler and debugger. One way to simulate the StrongARM interacting with the microengines is by creating a foreign model, which acts as an extension to the capabilities of Transactor, which is a cycle and data accurate software model of IXP1200. More information on how to create a foreign model can be found in Section 6 of the IXP1200 Development Tool User's Guide v005. To generate packet traffic in simulation on the Developer's Workbench v1.1, you can use the IX Bus Simulator found under the "Simulation" at the top menu bar. Here you can configure one or more devices attached to the IX Bus, i.e. MACs as well as the packet streams you want to flow through them. More information on how to create a foreign model can be found in Section 2.9.21 of the IXP1200 Development Tool User's Guide v005. -- Eric Heaton -- -----Original Message----- From: Sachin Jain [mailto:sachin@cs.utexas.edu] Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2000 3:49 PM To: ixp1200@CS.Princeton.EDU Subject: strong arm development Hi, I have some questions regarding strong arm development and its simulation? I want to add code in the strong arm that spawns a process that periodically does some computations. In which file in strong arm code could this be added? How does one rebuild the strong arm image after making changes? Where can i find documentation for finding the API for spawning process and getting values from sram etc? How does one simulate a reference design with strong arm image in software i.e without downloading on the hardware? If we simulate in hardware - is there a way to generate packet flows using the development bench? I will appreciate help on any of the questions... Sachin Jain Graduate student, computer sciences Univ. of Texas - Austin Res: 3401, Red River Street, #201 Austin, Tx - 78705 Ph : (512)-4726443 (R)