That is because there are a total of 64 sram xfer registers, so each of the four contexts of a microengine gets 16 locally addressable xfer regs, out of which 8 are read and 8 are for write. Maybe you should use global addressing for your xfer registers, which will give you access to more than 8 read xfer registers. Of course will mean you can access fewer local registers. -- Shyamal Pandya Arizona State University Addr: 920 S Terrace Rd #102 Tempe AZ 85281 Phone: 1-480-966-1982
From: "xtan"
Reply-To: ixp1200@CS.Princeton.EDU To: Subject: [ixp1200] Question on uEngine C compiler Date: Fri, 30 May 2003 20:49:31 +0800 Hello everybody, Recently, I encountered a problem that I have to read 16 long words from SRAM one at a time. But the sram_read intrinsic function can only support up to 8 long words. Besides, implementing 16 sram_reg in array format (ex. X[16]) seems impossible.(Only 8 are allowed)
Does anyone have good suggestions? Thanks in advance.
Zhangxi Tan
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