Thanks! Figured since the development environment for the SA is in Linux that the header file would be there as well. Do you by chance have any example code using it, or a pointer to some? IE, why do I need a UOF file handle? The documentation (a single five word comment and 3 lines in the Microcode Software reference Manual) is less than clear. thanks again, Cy On Thu, 2003-06-26 at 14:38, Griffin, Chris wrote:
Cyrus, On my installation of the Intel Developer's Workbench, the hashsv.h file is in C:\IXP1200\include
--Chris Griffin Embedded Software Engineer Visual Networks, Inc. cgriffin@visualnetworks.com phone: 301-296-2644 fax: 301-296-2303
-----Original Message----- From: Cyrus Hall [SMTP:hallcp@cs.colorado.edu] Sent: Thursday, June 26, 2003 4:27 PM To: ixp1200 List Subject: [ixp1200] HashSv functions? (accessing the hash units from the SA)
I'm in need of a way to initialize a hashtable for the microengines later use. There appears to be no direct way to access the hash unit on the FBI, but the Microcode Software Reference Manual lists a family of functions called HashSv_* (HashSv_Init, etc). The manual lists the prototypes as being in hashsv.h.
Yet I can't find hashsv.h anywhere. Is this another documented, but nonexistent piece of functionality? And if this is the case, how would people suggest initializing a hash table on the SA for use by the micros? The values to initialize the table will be coming from a configuration file, so hard-coding the table in the ME's doesn't work for me.
Thanks all, Cyrus