Hi, I have been trying the VERA package for IXP1200. I have a couple of questions and would really appreciate it if you could respond to them. I followed the instructions and got everything to build, changed jumper settings, update firmware, etc. The IPmm demo program works when IXP1200 is plugged into a PC PCI in passive backplane. Now, I am trying to use the libraries to compile a standalone application instead of using a linux host to download. I compile using a big-endian arm cross-compiler. I am getting some errors in Libcii (fmt.c), as well as ethernet port initialization, and systimer and a few other initialization routines. Has anybody successfully compiled IPmm or others to run as a standalone (with cygmon as boot loader) in big-endian mode? Are there any firmware-specific or big/little-endian portion of the libraries that needs to be ported? Thanks so much! Regards, Charles