board will proceed to spit out malformed Ethernet packets (each packet identical) as fast as the interface will allow. This is with the simple packet counting example.
Can you expand a little more on the problem? The Count example should only recv. packets, count and then discard them. Which interface is it spitting packets out on?
Is there a bare bones MicroACE, such as the counting example, that actually works on the ENP2505?
I have tried Count, l2bridge and l3fwdr and they work fine. There are not many board dependent commands in the ixsys.config file. Just comment out "interface" commands for all other ports except for 0,1,2,3. Similarly, comment out commands for other ports from the route.config-sys-l3fwdr file or bridge.config-sys-l2bridge file. And try with "mode = 0". Also, check out the archives of this list, there was some discussion earlier on this list about running ACE samples on the ENP-2505. -- abhijeet