I recently started working with the ENP2505 board that Intel is shipping for their IXP1200 academic program. After hacking their install scripts, dealing with kernel symbol issues, and hacking their boot scripts, I finally got the thing to boot Linux and communicate with the host system. I then made the encouraging discovery that all the sample projects are (seemingly) for other boards. Although they'll load, the board will proceed to spit out malformed Ethernet packets (each packet identical) as fast as the interface will allow. This is with the simple packet counting example. Is there a bare bones MicroACE, such as the counting example, that actually works on the ENP2505? Also, the documentation and tools provided with the board seems to indicate that using the ACE development paradigm is mandatory. Is it possible just to run microcode with no communication back to the ARM on ENP2505, ie, non-ACE code? Thanks for any pointers, Cyrus Hall hallcp@cs.colorado.edu University of Colorado Software Engineering Research Laboratory