i'm struggling with the strongARm code, tring to write a few on tornado but failed, can anyone tell me wht's teh problem and how shd. i proceed?? i have tried to two codes, one i get frm the web another simple c code i have written to test teh tornado..but i checked that no .o file is created.. there is some error while i build the application..
look at the following may b u can help me out..
code #1: example code from internet..
compilation result:
vxrm *.o *.rpo ctdt.c symTbl.c vxApp*
vxrm C:\Tornado\target\proj\project2\prjComps.h C:\Tornado\target\proj\project2\prjParams.
h C:\Tornado\target\proj\project2\prjConfig.c C:\Tornado\target\proj\project2\linkSyms.c
vxrm C:\Tornado\target\proj\project2\libs.nm C:\Tornado\target\proj\project2\libs.size
make: *** No rule to make target `iostyle.h', needed by `test.o'. Stop.
code#2...for the following code...