Hello, I appologize if this message sounds too much like it should be directed to an Intel tech support forum. I am trying to justify the cost of aquiring a KEIXP12EBAB evaluation kit to the local university. They are concerned that the kits will require them to shell out alot more money in development tools. (Note this is the evaluation kit, not the development kit with the WinNT Single Board Computer) Will the KEIXP12EBAB kits (which I am told include C0 Silicon) run ARM linux out of the box? (The SDK 2.0 documentation centers around the development platform with the WinNT SBC, but states that you dont need to use the WinNT SBC, if you have your own workstation. This seems to imply that I should not have any trouble loading Linux on the evaluation kit too, so long as I have a WinNT workstation.) Does anyone know how much Intel wants for the Microengine C Compiler? What other tools are required that I don't know about? Can you develop on the evaluation kit using only free software tools? Thank you for your time, -Loren Loren Card Graduate Student Electrical and Computer ENgineering University of Manitoba Email: lcard@win.trlabs.ca