The same tcpdump should work for the IXP ports too. If you run the L3 forwarding application provided by Intel , the ports appear as eth devices. Eg if you enable all 4 interfaces on the bv card, they would appear as eth1, eth2, eth3 and eth4. (eth0 would be the pci/eth interface) You can then run the tcpdump which Austen has compiled on any of these interfaces. To send/recv. packets to/from the Linux on the core, you need to bind the L3forwardACe to StackACE and StackACE to EgressACE. Eg. in ixsys.config file, *********** bind regular L3Fwdr/stack stackAce bind regular stackAce/tx ifaceOutput *********** This way, packets destined to the local linux stack, would be forwarded by l3forward to StackAce, which would forward it to TCP/IP stack, which would send it back to StackAce from where it gets forwarded to EgressACE. -- Abhijeet On Tue, 29 Oct 2002, Austen McDonald wrote:
Oh, one more thing: of course, my version of tcpdump isnt for grabbing packets off the ports; its for getting packets from the ethernet interface attached to the SA. I dont know if this was what you were looking for or not...
Hi, I am trying to get some of the traffic monitoring tools. Does anyone have tcpdump or iptraf for IXP1200? Thanks, Chris