works on the board. I'm wondering how do I start writing an application from scratch using the Inte's workbench (so that I can write code in Micro C and not in MicroCode). I want to be able to use the work bench and debug code using the workbench's debugger similar to "ms visual c++." Thanks.
For using the workbench and the debugger with the ENP-2505 card, you would need to do the following: - reserve a real IP address for the IXP card (Routable in your network ) - have another IP for the linux host side of the interface on the same subnet. - enable ip forwarding on the linux host Eg. if eth0 on the linux host is on the external network and eth1 is the pciDg device to the IXP, then set up proxy arp for the IXP's network address on eth0. This way, the linux host would do a proxy arp and then forward packets to the IXP. You should then be able to ping between the NT machine (which has the developer workbench) and the IXP. Once this is done, then to run an ACE sample (eg. tutorial1) using the workbench - * set mode=1 (downloading via workbench in ixsys.config) * Then run ./ixstart as usual * once it runs, you would see files such as ue0syms, ue1syms etc. in / on the board. Basically, in the workbench mode, the ixconfig app does not download the microcode, but creates these files with the symbol info to be patched. * This file contains the nam=value pairs for symbols that need to be patched into the microcode. Go to the workbench, define these symbols and rebuild the project. * Then download the .uof file generated by the workbench on to the target. * Then send packets again, you should be able to see them been recd. in the IXP Hope this helps. - Abhijeet