Andrew, Georgia Tech has a paper with the answer to your question coming up in the SAN-2 workshop (held jointly with HPCA 2003): "Intel IXP1200-based Network Processor" it has a lot of details on the limits of passing packets up and down between an IXP1200 (the Radisys ENP-2505) and a PC it's put into. --Ivan On Tue, 28 Jan 2003, Andrew Putra Jauri wrote:
I was wondering if anyone has looked into passing the packet from ixp board from and to the host linux kernel through the pci bridge? I know it seems ridiculous since that will waste all the resources we have in the ixp board, anyway I'm just curious.
Andrew Putra Jauri College of Engineering and Computer Science Portland State University
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ivan Ganev 327236 Georgia Tech Station College of Computing Atlanta, GA 30332 Georgia Institute of Technology 1-(770)-321-4733 ganev@cc.gatech.edu http://www.cc.gatech.edu/~ganev ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ When you lose, don't lose the lesson. --Unknown Learning is not compulsory. Neither is survival. -- W. Edwards Deming