Problem with connecting host to IXP1200 board

Hi all, I have followed all the procedure given in the manual to connect the host machine to the IXP1200 evaluation board. I am summarising the steps taken by me: 1.Start ftp server 2.Starting hyperterminal and switch on the board 3.Let it boot with all the proper settings of ip and username/passwds for vxworks image 4.Start Tornado and configure server 5.Launch the server 6.Ld < c:\ixp1200\vxworks_lib\VxWorks_Gig.o 7.NetApp_GigInit 8.Start Developer's workbench and open a project 9.Set hardware options and hardware debugging All the above steps go pretty smoothly, but when i try to go in the debugging mode, it gives the following error: " error opening network connection to node 'target' " where, "target" is the target server name i have configured. I have checked for faulty cables, faulty adapters, proper jumper settings on the board, etc. But i couldnt get through inspite of all being fine. Previously, the board has been used to carry out hardware testing successfully. This is the first time such an error is encountered. Please show a way out if u have encountered such a problem and got thru. Thanks in advance. Himanshu IIT Bombay.
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