Asl driver for ixp1200 Evaluation Board
I been trying to run the example microaces supplied with sdk 2.01 on ixp1200 board. initially the ixasl.o driver had some unresolved symbols but i resolved them by linking the module against $linuxsoruce/arch/arm/mm/mm- ixp1200.c the driver has no unresolved symbols now, However when i try to load the driver by starting the ixstart script the driver ixasl.o segfaults . i would like to know whether i ace programming framework is supported by ixp1200 board if yes then from where can i download the latest drivers if anyone has them ?? it's not available on intel website.With the Deadlines to complete the project coming close i would be really thankful if u could solve this problem... Also i would like to know if ace framework is available for vxworks os.... thanking you....
participants (1)
sumeet malik